Monthly Archives: January 2011

4 01, 2011

Chaos Restrained

By |2012-09-13T10:11:21-04:00January 4th, 2011|My Story|1 Comment

Right so my mother is going to have a heart attack if she is reading this. Sorry Mom, just remember I’ve always been a rebel. Luckily I usually have a cause though. So yeah, I decided when I started this whole journey that I’d reward myself along the way with some commemorative tattoos.  My mother’s heart just dropped, I feel sort of bad, it’s going to get worse when she reads where I’m getting it, [...]

3 01, 2011

Post Op Manic Mondays

By |2012-09-13T10:10:53-04:00January 3rd, 2011|My Story|1 Comment

I’ve never been a Monday person. It’s not that it’s the beginning of the week, because for me, I work weekends more than I work weekdays. Monday is the beginning of my workout week though, and maybe that is why it feels like such a rough day most the time. This Monday was a big harder than normal. First I swam late Sunday night early Monday morning and my brand new MP3 Player that I [...]

2 01, 2011

My Closet is shrinking with me!

By |2012-09-13T10:10:13-04:00January 2nd, 2011|My Story|0 Comments

So I’m sitting here having a “moment”. A lot of my Weight Loss Surgery friends over at Thinner Times call them “Wow Moments” – moments that your eyes sort of bulge out of your head and go real wide and your mouth gapes open and you are just in shock. In August of 2009 Jason and I moved out of the house we were renting and moved back into an apartment. At the time I [...]

1 01, 2011

A rough New Years Eve feeling insecure

By |2012-09-13T10:09:38-04:00January 1st, 2011|My Story|0 Comments

It’s been really hard for me to read posts on Thinner Times where people lost 50lbs their first month after surgery, and not ask myself what the heck I’m doing wrong, super analyzing everything I put in my mouth and constantly asking myself if I screwed up, if the pouch isn’t working for me, is I stretched it, or whatever the case might be, I’m super paranoid constantly.  It seems to me like the weight [...]