You know that button on your remote control that looks like this sort of like this || – it’s the pause button, and sometimes, right in the middle of a show that you really want to watch, you have to hit because life has something else in mind for you.
I find the same is true of my weight loss journey. Every once in a while you’ll see me use the = sign, when I do that, it’s my way of saying two things at once, first, it’s my pause button, but I also see it as a reminder that I must find balance in things.
I like to envision that when I hit my WLS Journey pause button it’s just like the one on the remote control, in freezes the screen shot in place and lets me do what I need to do and then come back to it.
Often times what I need to do is re-evaluate and re-assess the situation and for me that is so much easier if I picture it frozen in my head. I find that often times when something happens in my life it sort of whirlwinds, when things go well they lead to other things going well and seem to just gain power and momentum, and when things go back, then tend to roll down hill and get really bad really fast.
When this happens I press my pause button, I step back, and I analyze it and that is a lot easier for me to do when it’s not moving in any direction. Achieving this sort stillness isn’t always easy though, life doesn’t just stop when you want it too, but what I have found is that when I push that pause button it means that I have to take steps to help myself achieve that stillness. For me, that means walking away from my computer, taking time away from my blog, taking a break from all of my social media interactions and just focusing on me and whatever I need to figure out.
Most recently I had to do this because my friends and family came to me and let me know that I was letting my WLS Journey consume all of my extra time and that they needed me to realize there are other important aspects of life as well. They really worried about me rushing off to Dallas in just a couple of weeks to start taking my Personal Trainer Course and doing a lot working out and traveling when I’m still wearing compression pants after my thigh lift, am barely two weeks back in the gym and still dealing with quite a bit of swelling if I spend too much time sitting at my desk.
My friends were right. I was so wrapped up in how exciting my journey was that I was making decisions I wasn’t ready for.
So I reschedule things, I moved them around, I made it so that I won’t be leaving OR until March when Heather and I head to Ohio and then Virginia and Washington DC. After we get back I will leave for Dallas in April to go do my course studies at the Cooper Institute and then I’ll get in my CA trip and hit Vegas on the way back to Portland before heading off to Atlanta for a week.
Sometime I think that my WLS Journey Pause Button is one of the most important tools I have in my WLS Journey and it is one that I have had to learn to utilize more and more often as my weight loss journey continues and I learn how to live life after the weight loss.
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