Favorite YouTube Personality
Favorite Individual/Personal Obesity or WLS-related Blog:
Most Inspiring Story: can be obesity or WLS related
Being Nominated for something like this is SUCH an honor. I can’t even begin to tell you. When I think about the fact that so many of you really only met me and started following my blog back in October after we met at the OAC Convention it really warms my heart that so many of you think so highly of me that you nominated me.
These nominations are very special to me for two reasons, one they show that you appreciate what I am doing. Considering that my goal is to use my YouTube Videos ( The Desperately Seeking Slender Show ) and my Blog DesperatelySeekingSlender.com to inspire and motivate others by sharing my weight loss journey with them to be nominated as your favorite YouTube Personality, Favorite Personal Blog and Most Inspiring Story pretty much tells me that I am on the right path.
One of my Hero’s in this Community, Waning Woman posted a little blurb today about what she would do if elected Favorite VGS Patient ( Favorite Sleever ) … I just HAD to follow suit!
If selected I promise to stand for equality, to make sure that you have someone tough to stand up against bullies, I promise to make snarky comments that make you all laugh and throw your hands in the air to cheer in the face of Fat Haters, Bigots and Mean Girls.
I promise to combat the high school behavior in this community with comedy and a positive attitude. I promise to fart rainbows and poop sunshine on the Negative Betties and Queen McNasties.
I promise to stand there with my arms on my hips and dare someone to tell you that you took the “Easy way out” and I promise to challenge those with that mindset to out exercise me and to leave them huffing and puffing in the back ground as I prove how hard we work for our weight loss.
I promise to be an example of Fitness, Fun, and I promise that I will enlist the help of those way better than me to help with Dress Shopping, High Heel Wearing, Support Group Leading, Recipe Making friends to ensure that once we all finish our work outs, we look damn good.
I promise to make fun of myself by posting pictures of my bad hair days and I promise to always be the one in the corner with the pom poms shouting your name as you reach your goals. “2 4 6 8 YOU KNOW PANDORA THINKS YOU’RE GREAT!”
Now please go vote for all my friends! Pay it forward to this community and thank them for all they do. You know who they are. Please don’t put a check by my name unless you are putting a check by theirs too!
Now you know me… I have to go share this exciting news, I just have to go share this new Non-Scale-Victory with my own Personal Hero – Chris Powell and his wife Heidi Powell.
You know I voted!! 🙂